Ancient Coins

(NUM-403-11) Maximinus II (Daza)

Roman Imperial - Antioch Mint - 311/12 AD VF - Maximinus II (Daza) became emperor in 308 and was defeated by Licinius. He died in 314. Reverse translation: GENIO AVGVSTI - (to) the genius of the emperor.

(NUM-464-10) Licinius

Roman Provincial - Alexandria Mint- 315 AD - aXF - Licinius was emperor 307-324. He married a half sister of Constantine the Great and with him issued the edict of Milan recognizing Christianity. He and Maximinus II Daza ruled jointly until Daza attacked him and was defeated. Licinius eventually went to war with Constantine the Great. He was defeated, captured and later executed. Reverse translation: IOVI CONSARVATORI AVGG - (to) Jupiter, conservator of our emperors.

(NUM-446-06) Constantine II (Caesar)

Roman Imperial - Antioch Mint 316/317 AD - VF

(NUM-137-10) Caria, Bargylia

Roman Provincial - Caria Mint - 2nd-1st century BC - VF - Caria was a region of western Anatolia extending along the coast from mid-Ionia (Mycale) south to Lycia and east to Phrygia. A country which occupied that region which is now the southwest part of Turkey. Artemis - The sister of Apollo - The Goddess of the hunt, of wild things in nature, of rivers and lakes. The Greeks bestowed upon her the paradoxical attribution of being the Goddess of Virginity and of Childbirth. Romans knew her as Diana.

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